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From Prep to Perfection: Painting Your Room Like a Pro

So you've cleared the furniture, covered the floors, and patched any imperfections. Now comes the fun part: transforming your walls with a fresh coat of paint!

Well, my last post was all about the prep work done in two bedrooms, a hallway, and a staircase. Clearing the walls and room of art and furniture, filling up cracks and holes on the walls, sanding those walls smooth, and finally, cleaning and taping. You can click HERE to check that post

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Before diving into the painting part, let me give you a rundown of the tools and materials I used to make the painting job more enjoyable and get outstanding results.

I'm one of those who has been painting their own house one room at a time, and overall, haven't enjoyed that task. All the prep work is time-consuming and simply annoying, but hey, prep work was done, and I was ready to tackle the painting!

No, I wasn't excited about the painting either. The hardest part to swallow was the painting of the ceiling. My neck hurt each time I thought about it.

Well, it all changed this time around. 

I took my time preparing and painting each room, and my first piece of advice is to be patient. 

Additionally, using excellent materials and better tools made a huge difference in me having a good time completing this task and ending up with a quality product.

I used Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace flat -two coats of paint on the ceiling and walls. I can only say great things about this paint and its coverage.

I ditched the old, heavy roller frame that didn't roll nicely. Instead, I got this lightweight Purdy roller cover frame, and my hands are still thankful for it.

If I had to decide on only one element that made things easier for me this time, it would have to be the roller itself. I bought some of these Purdy Lambskin roller covers, which aren't cheap, but their natural fibers pick up, hold, and release a great deal of paint. The amount of splatter is minimal. Those roller covers will be a staple in my painting jobs, especially when painting ceilings.

This is the list of materials and tools for this project:

Here's how to paint your room like a pro, ensuring a smooth, flawless finish:

1. Gearing Up:

  • Paint: Ensure you have enough paint (usually 2 coats needed). Consider paint type based on surface and ventilation.

  • Tools: Brushes (angled and sash), roller (nap size depends on texture), roller tray, drop cloths, painter's tape, sanding block, putty knife.

  • Protection: Dust mask, safety glasses, gloves.

2. The Painting Process:

1. Tackle the Trim:

  • Use an angled brush for precise "cutting in" around trim, windows, and doors. Work in small sections, dipping the brush 1/3 in paint and tapping off excess. Feather the paint slightly onto the wall for a seamless blend.
  • For crisp lines, apply painter's tape beforehand, but remove it promptly while the paint is still wet to avoid peeling.

2. Conquer the ceiling:

  • Use a brush for corners and edges, then switch to a roller for the central area. Extend the roller handle for better reach. Work in sections, rolling in smooth, even strokes parallel to the longest wall. Pay attention to drips and splatters.

  • Let the first coat dry according to the paint manufacturer's instructions, and proceed with a second coat. This second coat should be applied opposite to the first for better coverage.

3. Wall Warriors:

  • Divide each wall into manageable sections (think 4ft x 4 ft).
  • Use a painting brush for "cutting in" along baseboards, corners, and outlets.
  • For the central area, load your roller and roll in smooth, overlapping strokes, starting from the top and working downwards. Maintain a "wet edge" by continuously working on one section before moving to the next.

4. Second Coat Magic:

  • Again, once the first coat dries completely, repeat steps 2 and 3 for a flawless finish. This ensures even coverage and hides imperfections.

5. The Final Touches:

  • Carefully remove the painter's tape while the paint is still slightly wet.
  • Clean brushes and rollers immediately with water or the appropriate solvent.
  • Dispose of paint and materials properly.

Pro Tips:
  • Use good quality brushes and rollers for better control and finish.
  • Maintain a consistent rolling technique to avoid streaks and unevenness.
  • Work in well-ventilated areas and wear protective gear.
  • Don't skimp on prep work - a smooth, clean surface is key for a perfect paint job.
  • Take your time and enjoy the process!


  • Experiment with different painting techniques like color blocking or stripes for a unique touch.
  • Consider adding decorative elements like stencils or wall decals for a personalized look.

With these steps and a little patience, you'll be well on your way to achieving a professional-looking paint job that transforms your room. I even went further in this painting marathon by painting the foyer and the kitchen/family room ceiling! I'm telling you, those roller covers did the trick for me! :D

Remember, preparation is critical; following these guidelines will ensure a beautiful, long-lasting finish you can be proud of!

Oh, and this final picture is how my daughter's room has transitioned. She's no longer living with us, and this room will be Mr. RLC's headquarters. The window benches and gallery wall headboard were removed, and the room became a white canvas. The decor will come right after installing the hardwood floors. 

The hallway, even before updating the linen closet and the starting point to remove that carpet under Louie's watchful eye. 🐶 

On another note, I also need to paint the trim and doors; they look disgusting! 😫

Enjoy what you read today?



  1. My current paint project is painting the bi-fold louvered closet doors in my home. I'm using Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace. Perfect neutral white. Prep includes (ugh) taking the doors down, carrying to the basement , sanding ,cleaning, painting, carrying back upstairs and rehanging. Forgot to mention hardware removal. 14 doors, 2 down and 12 to go.

    1. Oh, how awesome that you're also using BM Chantilly Lace, I'm in love with it. But oh my goodness, that's quite a job. Are you spray painting them? I can't think of any other way to paint those slats. I would also hang them to paint both sides at the same time.
      Good luck with it!


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